1) You must be a member of the Facebook group, “POD Designers Guild Group”. This is where we discuss Guild business. Only Guild members may belong to this group.
2) Nothing sexual in nature or “adult”
3) You never have to post if you do not want to.
4) When you post, you must adhere to SEO best practices. This means, among other things, at least 300 words.
5) No negative posts towards any POD company or shopkeeper.
6) No designs which are hateful toward any group, religion, race, political belief, sexual orientation or nationality. Designs of this sort anywhere in an artists shop(s) will result in the artist being banned from the Guild.
7) No designs which appear to be a call to violence of any kind. Designs of this sort anywhere in an artist’s shop(s) will result in the artist being banned from the Guild.